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indirect possession中文是什么意思

用"indirect possession"造句"indirect possession"怎么读"indirect possession" in a sentence


  • 间接占有


  • In terms of movable property , the exceptions include retention of title , proprietary security , mortgage of movable property and especially the consignation in notion ( indirect possession ) . however , this part primarily testifies that consignation in notion ( indirect possession ) is different from the others in nature , because only consignation in notion ( indirect possession ) constitutes a probable threat to the publicity principle , while the other three are really special exceptions
    在动产,例外包括所有权保留、让与担保、动产抵押、观念交付(间接占有) ,本部分初步论证了观念交付(间接占有)虽与所有权保留、让与担保、动产抵押同为动产公示原则的例外,却有本质的差异,因为只有观念交付(间接占有)对公示原则而言可能具有颠覆性,而另外三个真的是个别的例外而已。
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